I don't have much experience yet with the sauna. It's only been 3 days so far but the first morning after only 15 minutes the night before I swear there's a difference.
I'm 50 and feel a little stiff in the morning. It seems like it deleted the cramping feeling in my back. Another night 15 minutes, no sweating of course just warmed up I still don't have any normal aches I was expecting here and there.
It's real. I'm impressed.
I feel that it must be relaxing the nerves and it is taking years of tension out. I'll work my way up to 30-40 minutes and sweat and see how much better I feel. I'm sure I'll be amazed.
I only wish I'd have bought this sooner.
I've been going to the chiropractor for years and they just never get it all out. It must be emotional like I read in a testimonial but this infrared really does the job. When I lie in bed at night and before I get out of bed I can stretch so much and feel all my disc even my shoulder joints unwind. They really are relaxed and feeling strong again like a teenager.
It's so simple, just sit there in the cabin and read. I'll experiment like the other testimonials with oils and minerals. What a good investment.
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